Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random Shit!

hi :)
since no one is going to read this piece of shit, i'm gonna so randomly type whatever i like :P

first, mah name's Alyssa. right now i'm 15. And i don't like you.
I love alot of things and i also hate alot of things.

My hobbies are playing online games, eating, sleeping during the day and stay up all night because it's none of your business!! :D
..and i don't care that you don't care! XD haha!

As i said, since no one will read this shit, i'll make a blog about me, expressing myself..
and probably or maybe...just maybe.. i'll be reading this again when i'm 20 or something.

Uhh.. i wanna be an adult so badly right now.
..i also have dreams that i don't tell to my friends and family.
and i will make that dream, a reality! >:)

..but right now, i'll just enjoy myself doing nothing!! oh my god this summer is soooo boring!!

so i'm gonna stop typing now, before i type something uhmm...awkward? xD

if you wanna know my dream, well.. it's totally a secret :)
but whatever it is, i hope to do it if..i'm not so lazy like i am now :D